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Barbeque and Familyday

2022, Pug Day - Fancy Dress Parade

2019, Pugday

Thank you Rosane Jansoone for saving our Pugday and finding this location! The Pug Day was great!

2018, Pugday, BBQ, Photoshoot, Pug massage, games, Takrist and so much more

Pugday, BBQ, photoshoot, games, pug massage, games, Takrist, and so much more. In one word we all calling it SUPER ! 

2017, Familyday, Buffet and Fancy Dress Parade

Click here: The best disguised Pug 2017

The best disguised Pug 2017:

1= Brigsam Kingbird disguised as Bumblebee
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner Ann Crispyn and Niki Versprille

2 = Brigsam Leopold disquised as Ladybird
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner Ann Crispyn and Niki Versprille

3 = Hattella English Rose at Brigsam as Mammies Baby
Breeder Kirk Carol, Owner Sammy and Brigitte Baert-Sabbe

The best disguised Pug, costume created by owner 2017:

1= Brigsam Mozes disguised as a Minion
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

The best disguised pair/group (owner with Pug(s) ) 2017:

1= Lore De Bruyn with Brigsam Precious Kalista's Pippa, Brigsam Israirena (Isake), Brigsam Kingkobe, Brigsam Lotus-Louis, As the Minions
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

2= Ann Crispyn and Niki Versprille with Brigsam Kingbird & Brigsam Leopold, as Bumblebees and Ladybirds
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner Ann Crispyn and Niki Versprille

Best disguised dog (other breed) 2017:

1= Lore De Bruyn with Joske (Chihuahua) as Zorro

2016, Family day, buffet and fancy dress parade

Click here: The best disquised Pug 2016

The best disguised Pug 2016:

1= Gerard disguised as Red Devil
The best disguised Pug, costume created by owner 2016:

1= Brigsam Mozes disguised as Panda
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

2= Lady Ursula of Winnefall (Smilla) deguised as La Conchita
Breeder Geessink Marion, owner Beelen Stella

3= Brigsam Imiel deguised as Ninja Turtle
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

4= Limisengi's Pinkie Pie dequised as
Breeder Wilmsen Inge, owner Beelen Stella

The best disguised pair/group (owner with Pug(s) ) 2016:

1= Lore De Bruyn with Brigsam Imiel, Brigsam Israirena (Isake), Brigsam Kingkobe, Brigsam Lotus-Louis
As Ninja Turtles Michelangelo, Raphaël, Leonardo &Donatello
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

2= Cauwenbergs Caroline and Gerard as Red Devils
Owner Cauwenbergs Caroline

3= Jutte & Lady Ursula of Winnefall, as La Conchitas
Breeder Geessink Marion owner Myriam Beelen Stella

4= Josette en Brittyard's Xandrine, as The Pugsisiters

Best disguised dog (other breed) 2016:

1= Lore De Bruyn with Joske (Chihuahua) as Panda

2015, Family day, buffet and Fancy Dress Parade

Once again the family day, buffet and Fancy Dress Parade was a huge succes. (despite de rain)  80 people, 40 Pugs and 2 dogs of other breeds did attend.

Click here: The best disquised Pug 2015

The best disguised Pug 2015 :

1= Zahira vom Ulmer Haus (Zarah) as a prima ballerina
Breeder Monique Jansen, owner Mark & Ivonne Albrechts-Brouns

2= Kenzo as a nobleman
owner Johan Vanden Ameele

3= Bettytje as a bee
owner Caroline Goossens

The best disguised Pug, costume created by owner 2015 :

1= Brigsam Lotus-Lowie disguised as goblin
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

2= Nina as a prinses
Owner Holtzer Deborah

3= none
The best disguised pair/group (owner with Pug(s) ) 2015 :

1= Lore De Bruyn with Brigsam Imiel, Brigsam Israirena (Isake), Brigsam Kingkobe, Brigsam Lotus-Louis & Brigsam Mozes, As goblins
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

2= Charlotte Niville met El Jalisco's Josephine (Noa), as bees
Breeder Ferdi Dickmann, owner Julie nd Charlotte Niville

3= Daniel Dalewijn with Gemme Black du Temple d'Emeraude and Jules Black du temple d'Emeraude, as butterflys
Breeder and owner Myriam Bauduin-Charlier

Best disguised dog (other breed) 2014 :

1= Lore De Bruyn with Aboeke (Chihuahua) as the sun

2014, BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade

Once again the BBQ & Fancy Dress Parade was a huge succes. 96 people, 49 Pugs and 4 dogs of other breeds did attend. One of our sponsors, took care of the main prizes at the raffle (DVD player/MP4 player/headphone) etc. Also there were plenty of other valuable prizes.

Click here: The best disquised Pug 2014

The best disguised Pug 2014 :

1= Brigsam My Noki as a king
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner Ververken Wendy

2= Brigsam Gigolo as a dragon
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner Teunissen Sandy

3= El Jalisco's Josephine (Noa) as a prinses
Breeder Diclmann Ferdi owner Niville Julie & Charlotte

The best disguised Pug, costume created by owner 2014 :

1= Brigsam Imiel disguised as teletubbie
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

2= Nina as a flower
Owner Holtzer Deborah

3= Brigsam Mickey Mouse as Bumbalu
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner Teunissen Sandy

The best disguised pair/group (owner with Pug(s) ) 2014 :

1= Lore De Bruyn with Brigsam Imiel, Brigsam Israirena (Isake), Brigsam Kingkobe, Brigsam Lotus-Louis & Brigsam Mozes, As the teletubbies

2= Hofman Mona met Theo, dressep up for a party

3= Epping Noah & Ischa with King & Dribbel, as Santa and the Red Devils

Best disguised dog (other breed) 2014 :

1= Lore De Bruyn with Aboeke (Chihuahua) as the sun

2013, BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade

Once again the BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade was a huge succes. More then 90 people, 49 Pugs and 6 dogs of other breeds did attend. Against all weather forecasts we got no rain but a nice sunshine, just the right temperature for Pugs and owners. The participants for the Fancy Dress Parade get more creative every year. The find or make the most spectacular costumes for the Pugs and even for some of the owners. This year we had a first performance of Doggie-Dance with a Sheltie, a Border Collie and yes also a little black Pug, Yoko. We got participants from the Netherlands and France and those people had nothing but positive comments about what a happy family and friends reunion this was. Not a stiff club gathering.

Click here: The best disquised Pug 2013

The best disguised Pug 2013:

1= Brigsam Gigolo as a Turtle
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner Teunissen Sandy

2= Brigsam Hammy as a Party-Beast
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner Perdaens Christiane

3= Brigsam Lisselotje as a Ladybird
Breeder & owner Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, handler Depelseneer Thibeau

The best disguised Pug, costume created by owner 2013:

1= Brigsam Israirena (Isake) disguised as Wiske
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

2= Brigsam Imiel as Suske
Breeder Sammy & Brigitte Baert-Sabbe, owner De Bruyn Linda & André

3= Pugsley as Hippie
Owner Nele Provoost

The best disguised pair (owner with Pug(s) ) 2013.

1= Lore De Bruyn with Brigsam Imiel, Brigsam Israirena (Isake), Brigsam Kingkobe and Brigsam Lotus Louis
As Suske & Wiske and Jommeke & his parrot Flipke

2= Lauwers Kristof with Toulouse as Sunflowers &
2= Jutte with Lily and Smilla

3= Nele Provoost with Yoko & Pugsley and Julie with Zita, Mauro & Izzy as Hippies

Best disguised dog (other breed) 2013:

1= Julie with Mauro (Border Collie) as Hippie;  owner Julie.

2012, BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade

Click here: The best disquised Pug 2012

Best disguised pug 2012 :

1= Brigsam Imiel dressed up as a kabouter Plop
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte owner De Bruyn Lore

2= Nero dressed up as Scoobydoo
owner Theunissen Nancy

2 = Brigsam Hammy dressed up as a working pug
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte, owner Perdaens Christiane

3= Brigsam Ienze dressed up as a duck
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte, owner Trippaers-Stokmans Daniël & Evelien

Best disguised pug in his own creation 2012 :

1= Brigsam Imiel dressed up as kabouter Plop
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte, owner De Bruyn Lore

2= Brigsam Imiel dressed up as kabouter Plop
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte, owner De Bruyn Linda & Andre

3= Lily dressed up as Aloha Lily
owner Beelen Stella & Jutte

Best disguised couples (owner & pug(s)) 2012 :

1= Jutte with Lilly

dressed up as Aloha Lily

2= Lore De Bruyn with Brigsam Imiel, Brigsam Israirena (Isake)

dressed up as kabouter Plop & kabouter Kwebbel

3= Van Der Tweel Adam with Cami

dressed up as Peter Pan and Tinkerbell

2011, BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade

The BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade were organized for the 5th time in Wichelen on August 14th. More than 80 persons were present, as well as 29 pugs and 5 other dogs. Again, the Fancy Dress Parade, was very much appreciated by our participants, showing us their imagination through the well designed outfits. Despite the very bad weather predictions, it stayed dry during the Fancy Dress Parade. It may again be called a successful gathering of pugs and pug friends.

Click here: The best disquised Pug 2011

Best disguised pug 2011:

1= Brigsam Kingalfred dressed up as a bumblebee
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte owner Purse T & Marsh N

2= Nero dressed up as Elvis Presley 
owner Theunissen Nancy

3 = Brigsam Kingbird dressed up as a prisoner
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte, owner Herold E

3= Brigsam Knighttime dressed up as a butterfly
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte, owner Lewis A

Best disguised pug in his own creation 2011:

1= Estelle dressed up as Lady Gaga
owner Glen & Kristog Lefevre

2= Brigsam Kingkobe dressed up as a sailer
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte, owner De Bruyn Linda & Andre

3= Prinses Lily Fee dressed up as a prinses 
owner Beelen Stella

Best disguised couples (owner & pug(s)) 2011:

1= Lore De Bruyn with Brigsam Imiel, Brigsam Israirena (Isake)and& Brigsam Kingkobe dressed up as sailers in their boath

2010, BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade 

The BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade were organized for the 4th time in Wichelen on August 15th. More than 80 persons were present, as well as 27 pugs and 8 other dogs. Again, the Fancy Dress Parade, was very much appreciated by our participants, showing us their imagination through the well designed outfits. Despite the very bad weather predictions, it stayed dry during the Fancy Dress Parade.  It only started raining after the award ceremony, while we were inside enjoying a drink and the nice meal. Regardless of the rain at the end of the day, it may again be called a successful gathering of pugs and pug friends.

Click here: The best disquised Pug 2010

Best disguised pug 2010:

1= Nero dressed up as a bull
owner Sandy Theunissen

2= Brigsam Imiel dressed up as Mickey Mouse and presented by Lore De Bruyn
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte, owner De Bruyn Linda & Andre

3= Brigsam Hammy dressed up as a butterfly
breeder Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte, owner Remi & Christianne De Thaye-Perdaens

Best disguised pug in his own creation 2010:

1= Triomphe dressed up as the Lion King
owner Lindekens Mary

2= Toya dressed up as a bumblebee
owner Rassart Madeleine

3= Tidemill Robin Hood dressed up as Robin Hood and presented by Kithana Depelseneer
Breeder Nigel & Terry Marsh-Purse, owner Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte

Best disguised couples (owner & pug) 2010:

1= Lore De Bruyn with Brigsam Imiel & Brigsam Israirena (Isake) dressed up as Mickey & Minnie Mouse

2= Stokmans Evelien with Bigsam Ienze dressed up as The Blues Brothers

Best disguised dog (other race) 2010:

1= Dipsie, owner Monique Arnouts, dressed up as a farmer

2009, BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade 

The BBQ and Fancy Dress Parade were organized for the 3rd time in Wichelen on August 15th. 
The sun joined in with us, putting us all in a cheerful mood.
The Fancy Dress Parade was somewhat different this year, adding two new categories, one being the best disguised pug in his own creation, the other one being the best disguised couple (meaning owner & pug).
Our caterer managed again to offer us a nice barbecue.  Everyone went home tired but quite satisfied. 
Again a successful activity very much appreciated by our members.
Click here: The best disquised Pug 2009
Best disguised pug 2009:
1= Berrie dressed up as a spider
owner Deprez Tessa
2= Brigsam Hannabelle dressed up as a butterfly and presented by 6 year old Cloë
breeder & owner Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte
3= Ullke Vom Ulmer Haus dressed up as a baby
breeder Jansen Monique, owner De Visscher-Goossens
Best disguised pug in his own creation 2009:
1= Brigsam Isar dressed up as a clown
breeder Baert-Sabby Sammy & Brigitte, owner Lindekens Mary
2= Triomphe dressed up as a ladybird
owner Lindekens Mary
3= Toya dressed up as a Hawaïan beauty
owner Rassart Madeleine
Best disguised couples (owner & pug) 2009:
Neroke & Sandy Teunissen as Superman & Superwomen

Best disguised dog (other race) 2009:
1= Franske (French Bulldog) dressed up as a Scott
owner De Visscher-Goossens
2= Dipsie dressed up as a devil
owner Teunissen Monique

2008, Barbeque, Familiedag en Fancy Dress Parade

Barbeque, Familiedag en Fancy Dress Parade op 15 augustus 2008 te Wichelen. Deze activiteit was weerom een groot succes. Alle mopsjes prachtig verkleed, alhoewel er dit jaar wel heel veel Hot-Dogs waren.
Proficiat aan onze winnaars ! De BBQ was weerom enorm lekker. Angie's ijsjeskar bezorgde ons allen een schepvers ijsje, dit ijsje werd door de BPDC aangeboden aan elke aanwezige deelnemer. Kortom de afwezigen hadden ongelijk.

Klik hier voor de mooist verklede Mops 2008

De mooist verklede mopsen 2008

1ste plaats = Marbelton Sunburst / fokker : Hambelton Mary & John / eigenaars : Huybrechts - Weyns Patrick & Greet. Sunny was verkleed als kreeft.

2de plaats = Brigsam Garfield / fokker : Baert-Sabbe Sammy & Brigitte / eigenaar : D'Hooge Katrien. Garfield was verkleed als Garfield.

3de plaats = Nero / eigenaar Teunissen Sandy. Nero was verkleed als duiveltje.

De mooist verklede hond (ander ras) 2008:

was de Malteser Mindy /eigenaar Bayezt Betty. Mindy was verkleed als Mega Mindy.



2007, BBQ Wichelen


2006, BBQ Haacht


2005, BBQ Haacht